Tuesday, April 7, 2009


So normally I am not a worry wort (or wart, hmmmm, don't really know what this word means so I can't know if I have the correct spelling...guess I'll chalk it up to "doesn't matter"? sorry, my ADD kicked in). But Curly has had a cough for simply months. I remember back at Thanksgiving being concerned about his cough. It eventually developed into bronchitis for which we got a strong antibiotic and he was fine. For a while. A short while. So now the cough is back in full force and each time I take him to the pediatrician I am assured that his chest is fine, i.e. they don't hear anything with a stethoscope and his ears are fine, i.e. no infection. But he still has a horrible, nasty, persistent cough. I've called in between times I've taken him in and we've been advised to try allergy medicine and cough/cold medicine. I've done both. Both knock him completely out so that he sleeps stone cold still and doesn't cough...until he sits upright or wakes up.

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