Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy Birthday to me

So, ok. Like, today is my birthday. It was a little ho-hum. Except that my two big boys came in and sang Happy birthday to me first thing when they woke up. It was a fantastic gift. I don't think they even realize it.

So the Big Stooge (hee, hee...I love saying that. I COULD just shorten it to B.S. but I really don't think that would be appropriate) took me to dinner tonight at one of the places I like best to go on special occasions. It isn't that it's that expensive. It's just that nobody in the family except me has a real appreciation for Thai food. And it was good. Curly did ok and went with us but Moe and Larry stayed home with two friends and played Wii, which they got for Christmas. Everyone did very well and were very well behaved.

About that Wii...My parents and brother went in together and got it for our family along with the sports game. Then Santa brought Rock Band 2. When the boys play Rock Band 2 they'll only let us play Eye of the Tiger. It's a hoot. They know this song pretty well anyway from the radio and since it is relatively easy it's the one they go with. Granted, they've let us experiment a little bit but when we all want to play together as a family, that's the one they want.

Larry, at first, refused to sing because he said he wasn't good at it but tonight when D and T came over, he got picked to sing because T couldn't read the words. (In fact, when we returned from dinner, the friends' dad, M, said that T thought the words to the song were "I love the tiger". Isn't that cute! He's only 5.) Moe played drums, and D played guitar. Because, let's be honest, everyone wants to play the guitar part. And so far, since we only just got this for Christmas, we only have one guitar and have to take turns. So, since company was over, they got to pick the parts. But at the end of the night, Larry was saying how great he was at singing and he loved the singing part. It was funny. He has no problem with self-esteem. He is "great" at lots of things in his opinion. He's right, actually.

So, this birthday is winding down and reminding me how old I am. Maybe from this point on, I'll go backwards on my birthday. I really don't care how old the calendar says I am. I don't feel 38. It just sounds so "mature" to actually say it. And I don't feel all that mature. Luckily, I am slightly less naive than I was at 22, 23, 25, 26...something like that but those years, for the most part were ok.

I really can't think of anything else to say right now. My 38 year old brain is getting pretty tired I think so I'll go to bed. Hopefully, Curly will sleep for extended hours tonight. I think he is still recovering from his cold. He's just not been himself for the past couple of days. Last night, with a six hour stretch, was the first time in a few weeks that he's slept longer than about three hours again.

Bon Voyage, 37. It's been real.

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